
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 18 April 2023

AgendasAnnual Parish Meeting Uploaded on November 12, 2023



Clerk:  Mrs. Ann Addison

The Paddocks, Baker Street, Gayton, Northampton, NN7 3EZ

Tel:  01604 858226 & or


Please be advised that the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING will be held on

TUESDAY, 18th APRIL 2023 AT 7.00 PM

It will be immediately followed by the April Parish Council meeting.


The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of the Parish at which all its electors have the right to speak, vote and discuss Parish matters.

Although member of the Parish Council may be present at the meeting, it is not an opportunity to question the Parish Council.  However, the meeting may resolve to write to the Parish Council or West Northants Council or any other organisation with an enquiry, or give its view on a particular issue.  Decisions will not be made by the Parish Council at this meeting.

The meeting will be Chaired by the Parish Council Chairman

The Parish Clerk will take the Minutes.

The following matters have been placed on the agenda:

  • Apologies for absence
  • Chairman’s annual report
  • Parish charities reports.
  • Draft accounts for 2022/2023
  • Report from West Northants Council
  • Discussion from the floor.


Jonathan Hughes


Kislingbury Parish Council