MINUTES of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 16th April 2024, at 8.30 pm,
PRESENT: Cllr Dr J. Hughes, Chairman, Cllr S. Deane, Cllr S. Parkerson, Cllr Sheryl Goodman, Cllr Richard Harvey
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and making the following announcement:
I would like to advise Councillors and members of the public that under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 members of the public are permitted to photograph, film, broadcast and report on the meeting, subject to the efficient running of the meeting not being
- APOLOGIES – Reasons for absence to be recorded.
- Cllr Mallett – health reasons
- Cllr Ayres – personal reasons
ATTENDING: No members of the public attending. No representative from W. Northants Council present.
- DECLARATION OF INTEREST Nothing to report.
- AGREEMENT for MRS ANITA HUGHES to act as notetaker for meeting
4.APPROVAL of MINUTES of 19th MARCH 2024
Minutes were altered following an addition by J. Mallett, approved and signed by the chair.
The water meter for the allotments has still not been located.
Chair to contact the water company (WAVE) about the location of the water meter.
Both items covered in Annual Parish Meeting held before Parish Council meeting and minuted separately.
Reports circulated prior to the meeting.
Flood Report.Update circulated. No further comments.
Tree Warden Issues concerning trees which are part of identified tree work have been resolved.
Footpath Warden/Phil Beeston.Repair work required to paths on Upton Country Park. Photos provided.
- Deane to follow up with contractors Idverde and/or Northampton Borough Council.
Neighbourhood Watch No update.
No further action at present.
- STAFFING COMMITTEE.Agreed to continue with 2 members at present. S. Parkerson and J.Hughes.
Terms of reference and action plan accepted as in guidelines provided by W. Northants Council.
In order to appoint new Parish Clerk the Staffing Committee will prepare job description,person spec and advertise as advised in council guidelines.
Committee to proceed with action to recruit Parish Clerk.
- Mallett was thanked for the immense amount of work involved in preparing the reports and ensuring greater clarity in all areas of finance.
Detailed report previously circulated. J. Hughes highlighted main areas in JMs absence:
- AGAR report 2022/2023 is now complete and ready for certification.
- The 2023/24 report is also ready for Dates have been fixed for May when this will be followed up.
- The finance report clearly shows pattern of expenditure through the year and dates payment required.
- Spreadsheet for 1st April,2023 to 31st March 2023 gives clarification on how money has been spent.
- Online banking is now active and working well.
- The budget spend for 2023 /24 is shown.
- The yearly financial figures (as at 1/4/24) were also provided.
- JH and JM had attended training on Scribe Software.The council unanimously agreed to install this software to assist with all financial management.
- Costs of software agreed. One-off payment of £298.80 plus VAT and monthly direct debit payments of £43.20. This payment had been agreed at the March 2024 PCM.
Bank Balance Community Account @ 19/4/24 £123,698.15
Reserve Fund (in with balances) £3,000.00
Business Premium ME Account @ 19/424 £1531.99
(Held in Community Account)
CIL fund – Spitfire Development £94,167.15 – 2023/2024
CIL fund – village development £869.12 – 2020/2021
CIL fund – Millers Close £2,973.65
Parish Council website and email addresses
There will be migration to Gov.Uk by Netwise once alterations completed. It is proposed that all reports and information from organisations in village can be added to website.
Payment of outstanding invoices
Payments to be made immediately were agreed after the invoices had been checked by SP. All payments proposed by R.Harvey and seconded by S. Parkerson. Payments will be made on 18th April 2024.
Agreed Invoices were:
EON Quarterly Street Lighting Maintenance £435.60
NPower Electricity Consumption March 2024 £1149.56
A.Addison March and April 2024 salary £634.94
Amber IT Website Updates £22
B.Osborne Payroll Services £69
NCALC NCALC Services £915.94
- Mallett Stationery £19.98
Village Hall Room Hire £14
Former Allotment Holders Key Refunds £10
Quotes Received:
- To replace LED lantern 8 Bugbrooke Rd £310
- To replace LED lantern 56 High St £310
- To replace LED lantern Beech Lane £310
- To replace LED lantern Starmers Lane. (Work completed and awaiting quote)-£310.
- 3 Speed signs. Currently awaiting licence before proceeding.RA asked if it could be checked whether PC had ownership of wiring in lamppost before work was undertaken.
- GM Lawrence had submitted a quote for supply and fitting of speed signs-£16572 plus VAT(CIL money to be used )
Proposed S. Dean. Seconded S.Goodman.All quotes accepted with a majority decision.
It was not accepted that PC would financially support fitting light with reduced output to light in Ashby Court as requested by resident. No action to be taken with respect to the non-functioning light at 10 Bugbrooke Rd which has never been adopted by the Parish Council.
The Annual Parish Meeting had highlighted the need for improved lighting in “dark areas” in the village.
Chair to invite villagers to identify these areas so that this expenditure can be considered in next years budget.
In the absence of a Parish Clerk, the Chair circulated a report in advance.
Under this item the resignation of Parish Clerk was discussed. Recognition of her long service to be acknowledged at appropriate time.
Planning Application made by Parish Council concerning trees on Camp Lane trees.
ACTION S.Deane and J. Hughes to complete as necessary.
Allotments S.Parkerson.Invoices have been sent to all allotment holders and payments are being made.There is an updated list of all holders and a diagram of allotment area and allocated spaces has been laminated for use by SP and allotment holders.Checks can be made on payments made. All spaces now taken.
Defibrillators. S. Parkerson has provided P. Beeston information re First Responders to provide spare parts.She has given J. Tonge relevant information to obtain a defibrillator for St. Lukes Church.
All defibrillators are “Emergency Ready”.
Grass Cutting J.Mallett.All areas are being cut regularly.
Website J.Mallett.See earlier comments.
Lighting S.Goodman.
ACTION-All lights to be numbered and audit of lighting to be done.(S.Deane and S. Goodman).
It was not accepted that PC would financially support fitting light with reduced output to light in Ashby Court as requested by a resident. No action to be taken with respect to the non-functioning light at 10 Bugbrooke Rd which has never been adopted by the Parish Council.
The AnnualParish Meeting had highlighted the need for improved lighting in “dark areas” in the village.
Chair to invite villagers to identify these areas so that this expenditure can be considered in next years budget.
Village Maintenance S.Deane reported following:
Response received from Helen Howard/Community Liaison Officer, Northamptonshire Highways.
- HH is awaiting costings for overrun outside The Cromwell Cottage.
- Also awaiting confirmation on ownership of stone wall near the Dovecote/High St before proceeding.
- She is awaiting quote for repair of driveway to St. Lukes Church.
- Six new Road signs to be collected next week.
- Request for SLOW markings on road surface has been added to the small works list.
- Deane will continue to follow up on these issues.
Also awaiting bill for cutting of hedge on school lane. See earlier updates on village improvements. Kislingbury News J.Hughes.No update.
School Liaison J.Hughes-No update.
BugbrookeMedical Practice/PPG S.Goodman.The surgery intends to resume providing regular updates for Village facebook page and Kislingbury News.They are still finding patients are experiencing problems in use of NHS App to book appointments/medication repeats.. Assistance is available from surgery reception staff.The number of missed appointments has increased. If a patient requires a longer appointment at time of booking appointment to discuss multiple problems this needs to be made clear.
Police Liaison S.Parkerson.-No update.
KPFA J..Mallett. J.Hughes to attend forthcoming AGM .
- Annual General Meeting.
- Overview has been completed and nomination forms circulated.
- Review of Flood Plan
- Completion of “Welcome Pack” for new villagers.
DATE and TIME of NEXT MEETING. Tuesday 21st May 2024 at 7pm/Annual General Meeting.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.59pm.