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MINUTES of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 18th April 2023, at 7.00 pm,
PRESENT: Dr J. Hughes, Chairman Mrs J. Mallett, Vice-Chairman
Mrs S. Deane Mrs M. Harris
Mrs S. Parkerson Mr P. Billingham
Mrs S. Goodman
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and making the following announcement:
I would like to advise Councillors and members of the public that under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 members of the public are permitted to photograph, film, broadcast and report on the meeting, subject to the efficient running of the meeting not being
APOLOGIES – Reasons for absence to be recorded.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: Both interest & nature of interest to be declare.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: These had been previously circulated, were proposed,
seconded and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
PARISH CLERK’SREPORT – to include correspondence & communications.
- John White funeral directors – burial in Garden of remembrance arrangements
- VAS sign for Bugbrooke Road.
- Clerk has spoken to MD of Elan City regarding the purchase of a new solar VAS sign.
- Permission needed from WNC Highways. Clerk met with Steve Barber to ascertain where a new sign could be installed. Best site is at the edge of the Old Pond Site. Highways will send a quote for a new pole. Elan City signs are rated highly by WNC Highways.
- The PC should have a ‘plan certificate’ issued for the previous signs originally installed in 2016 which will be needed for the new sign.
- Clerk to contact WNC Regulations.
- Cost of Evolis Vision Radar Speed Sign @ £2250.00
- Nomination papers for Chairman & Vice-Chairman of the Council handed to all members. Closing date 10th May 2023. To be returned to the Parish office.
- Unsigned letter reived regarding an afternoon drinking club used by ‘van drivers’ at the cricket club. Parents are concerned for the safety of children who use the children’s play area.
- Request from Millers Close resident asking for rubbish / branches to be removed from garage area. Clerk has contacted WNC & Grand Union Homes.
Casual Vacancy – There are two vacancies for Councillors.
Allotments – S. Parker, S. Parkerson
- Several changes
- 2023 payments being received & banked.
Defibrillator – S. Parkerson
- Sun Inn –
- Village Hall – new outdoor defibrillator to be installed on Tuesday morning, 19/4/23.
Grass Cutting – J. Mallett
Environmental Items including hedges & trees – Z. Kemp
Website – J. Mallett
- 2022/2023 minutes loaded.
- Clerk to forward further information that cannot be obtained from the former site.
- Startup invoices paid@ £1366.80.
Street Lighting – S. Goodman
- PL54 & PL55 reported out of order.
- Report from E. ON:
- Non-LED lanterns to be phased out with SOX lanterns to be replace by LED.
- Maintenance charges report – Maintenance of non LED lamps @ £22 per light per annum. LED lanterns @ £8 per light per annum.
- Electrical testing – there is a requirement under BS7671 for all streetlights to be electrically tested every 6 years @ £27 per light.
- PL58 Riverside Court – repaired & faulty again. ON has been informed. Invoice on hold.
Village Maintenance, seats, planters, litter picking, Dog Bins – S. Deane
- Dog bin post damage (opposite the Sun Inn). Clerk has contacted C. Hawkey regarding repairs.
Highways, roads & footpaths – J. Hughes.
School Liaison – M. Harris
Kislingbury News – J. Hughes
Bugbrooke Medical Centre PPG – S. Goodman
- Newsletter received including:
- Staffing changes
- Enhanced access
- Veterans information
- Opening times & phone calls times
Police Liaison – S. Parkerson
KPFA Representative – J. Hughes
- Attended the AGM with the Vice Chairman
- Meeting held with KPFA representatives, PC Chairman, PC Vice Chairman & the Clerk prior to the April PC meeting. Discussions included:
- Children’s play area – new equipment, mowing
- Football club & pitches
- ‘Article of Agreement for the Pocket Park.
Village Hall Representative – J. Mallett
Neighbourhood Watch – D. Topliss
Flood & Snow Warden – C. Payne
- Phone call from Mrs Green regarding the Spitfire Homes balancing pond possibility of overflowing. Clerk contacted the PC Chairman, Vice-Chairman & the flood warden. Due to the late hour, an inspection by the flood warden would take place the following day.
- Meeting to be arranged with the site manager.
- Correspondence received from D. Tidmarsh regarding the potential flooding risks.
- Flooding issues
- Phase 2 & 3 of the development.
Footpath Warden – P. Beeston
PLANNING: – P. Billingham
Application | Location | Proposal | Comments |
WNS/2023/5029/OUT | The Gardens, 3, Hodges Lane | Outline development for 3 detached dwellings. All matters reserved except access | |
NS/2022/0673/MAF | Beech Lane | 58 Dwellings | This application is still pending. |
NB: Monthly report received from P Billingham regarding the state of Kislingbury plannngapplications.
FINANCE: The Clerk (RFO), J. Hughes
Bank Balance Current Account £20,201.18
Deposit Account £1,513.76
Monies Received Allotment rents £197.00
Allotment Rents £126.50
Audit Matters
- Waiting for March bank statements before being able to balance the 2022/2023 accounts.
NB: WNC contribution towards the grass mowing for 2022/2023 season @ £676.85 has not been paid due to an error made by WNC. Parish Clerks were not informed that a new system had been put in place for Clerks to apply for the grant aid. NCALC has forwarded the information & the grant has now been applied for.
NB: New bank mandate to be signed by M.Harris.
It was proposed, seconded & resolved to pay the following invoices:
Chq. No. | Payee | Information | Amount | VAT | Total |
1949 | HMRC | Clerk’s PAYE | 72.20 | 72.20 | |
1950 | NCALC | Annual Fees | 797.52 | 53.20 | 850.72 |
Less credit note of £30.00 | 820.72 | ||||
1951 | A. Addison (Clerk) | Salary & Expenses | 317.74 | 73.49 | 391.23 |
1952 | Npower | Lighting supply | 434.61 | 86.90 | 521.51 |
1953 | NCALC | Accounts training | 30.00 | 6.00 | 36.00 |
1954 | Allseasons | Grass mowing | 435.00 | 87.00 | 522.00 |
1955 | E. ON | Lantern replacement 2 Riverside | 280.00 | 56.00 | 336.00 |
1956 | Kislingbury News | Annual grant – printing costs S137 | 1500.00 | 1500.00 | |
1957 | Kislingbury Community Grp. | S137 grant – Food & drink event | 1500.00 | 1500.00 | |
1958 | St. Luke’s Church | S137 grant – help with mowing | 1500.00 | 1500.00 | |
1959 | A. Tomlinson | Allotment key reimbursement | 15.00 | 15.00 | |
REPORTS From Parish Councillors
Cllr Ann Addison (Kislingbury lead), Cllr Karen Cooper, Cllr Adam Brown
- The WNC planning department has received a very poor assessment from the ‘Peer Review’ panel.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at:
The May meeting is the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
Signed: Dated: