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MINUTES of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 21st March 2023, at 7.00 pm,
Dr J. Hughes, Chairman
Mrs J. Mallett. Vice-Chairman
Mrs S. Deane
Mrs M. Harris
Mr Peter Billingham
Mrs S. Parkerson
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and making the following announcement:
I would like to advise Councillors and members of the public that under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 members of the public are permitted to photograph, film, broadcast and report on the meeting, subject to the efficient running of the meeting not being.
APOLOGIES – Reasons for absence to be recorded. S. Goodman (Work)
ATTENDING: Zoe Kemp (Tree Warden), C. Payne (Flood & Snow Warden)
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: Both interest & nature of interest to be declared.
These had been previously circulated, were proposed, seconded and signed by the Chairman as a
correct record with the one amendment – S. Deane wasn’t present due to illness and had forwarded
her apologies.
PARISH CLERK’SREPORT – to include correspondence & communications.
- Parker – number of queries received:
- VAS for Bugbrooke Road – arranging a mutually acceptable site meeting date.
- Repairs – not specified.
- Christmas Tree – why is it still on the Church Green – it is a permanent fixture. It was agreed for the Clerk to write to Judith Tong, the PCC Chairman, stating the Church & its members were welcome to put messages on the tree particularly Easter related.
- Agenda & Minutes – not seen on the website & notice boards. Website shut down & new website should be operational by end of March./beginning of April. Only 2 notice boards are being used at the moment – outside the shop & by the Red Lion. These would be put onto the new website & new face book page once they are up & running in April.
- ON – Street lighting maintenance: SOX lanterns have ceased to be manufactured Lanterns will have to be replaced by LED lights. Quotes can be provided. There are a number of old SOX lamps in stock at the moment. For information:
- Maintenance of existing non-LED lamps @ £22.00 + VAT
- Maintenance of LED lamps @ £8.00 + VAT
- Resident has requested information regarding the Pcs’ portion of the 2023/24 council tax bill. Clerk to respond with details.
- WNC – Town & Parish Briefing papers sent to all members.
- Have Your Say on dog matters & smoking in public – information sent to members.
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Casual Vacancy – The Council needs two new members. Adverts have been put onto Face Book & village notice boards. The posts will be advertised on the new website once it is up and running (hopefully by April 2023)
Allotments – S. Parkerson
- Plot holders living outside the village have been sent their rent requests – some have paid for the 2023 season.
- Village plot holders rent requests to be distributed.
- Plot holders requested to keep their plots well looked after – item for the next edition of Kislingbury News.
- Numbers of unkempt plots to be sent to the Clerk for letters to be sent to plot holders asking if they wish to keep their tenancies.
- Water supplied to the football club during leak.
Defibrillator – S. Parkerson
- The Clerk reported that the new defibrillator for the village hall is now ready for installing.
- To be delivered to village hall secretary.
Grass Cutting – J. Mallett
- 2023 contact – all in order.
- a) The children’s play area has had its first cut by Allseasons.
- The pocket park is too wet to cut.
- Keys to access the playing field needed – M. Harris has this in hand.
Environmental Items including hedges & trees,
- The new tree warden attended the meeting. Work to include:
- Checking all village trees for problems & report to the Clerk for action.
- The Spinney by the Nene bridge – Clerk to contact WNC regarding taking over the ownership from Highways.
- School Lane hedge in a poor condition, needs cutting back & ‘risings’ to be removed. Clerk to contact Highways.
Website – J. Mallett
- New site by NetWise UK should be up & running by the first week in April.
- Information now received from previous web editor & site manager.
- Will be starting a Parish Council Face Book page once the new website has settled in.
Street Lighting – S. Goodman
- Out of order streetlights reported to E. ON:
PL75 Hodge Close
PL2 Beech Lane
PL30 Willow View – now repaired.
PL67 junction of Ashy Court & Bugbrooke Road.
- Numbering the lighting columns:
- Many lighting columns have lost their numbers.
- Watts Close numbers are incorrect.
- Suggestion that the numbers are painted onto the columns. This found favour with the Council. A stencil to be manufactured.
- The Clerk to contact E. ON regarding a new number chart.
Village Maintenance, seats, planters, litter picking – S. Deane
- Green box on Cromwell Green – has been damaged again. Clerk to contact Cadent again for its removal.
- Village Litter Pick to beheld on 22nd April 2023. Meeting in the village Green at 10.00 am.
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Highways, roads & footpaths – J. Hughes
- Millers Close – debris by the garages – PC informed this is not the responsibility of highways. Clerk to contact Grand Union Housing.
- River bridge to be closed to repair the stone wall from the 3rd to 6th April 2023. Notices have been put up.
- Another accident involving the Nene bridge with the vehicle crashing into the Cromwell stone wall.
School Liaison – M. Harris
- Has spoken to the new head.
- Coronation gifts for school children – leather bookmarks as Head would prefer a gift for each child rather than a seat for the school grounds.
- Query raised regarding children who prefer a vegan menu. M. Harris to contact the school asking if there are any children who prefer a vegan menu – an alternative bookmark will be suppled.
Kislingbury News – J. Hughes
- Parish Council news is published on a regular basis.
Bugbrooke Medical Centre PPG – S. Goodman – No report
Police Liaison – S. Parkerson
- All information received from the police is forwarded to all PC members & will be sent to the new website.
- Information regarding the vehicle who crashed into the Nene bridge is to be forwarded to the vehicle’s insurance provider.
KPFA Representative – J. Hughes
- Meeting to be arranged to meet with the KPFA representatives to discuss:
- Barrier access keys
- Pocket-park – Article of Memorandum for the Pocket Park to be written.
- Grant offer – mowing the children’s play area & taking over the upkeep of Pocket Park.
- Problems regarding keys for access into the playing fields & gate on Camp Lane.
- Water leak at the football club – concern this could have affected the allotment supply.
Village Hall Representative – J. Mallett
- New defibrillator to be installed – Clerk has contacted J. Tonge & D. Hartwell regarding delivery of the defibrillator.
- Equipment to be delivered to D. Hartwell.
Neighbourhood Watch – D. Topliss – no report
Flood & Snow Warden – Chris Payne
Footpath Warden – P. Beeston
- Need to arrange a meeting with the Spitfire site manager who is only able to meet the PC during the daytime.
- Need a meeting with Highways regarding the ditches.
- The culvert & ditches need clearing.
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PLANNING: – P. Billingham
- List of applications pending and approved sent to all PC members.
- No new applications received to date.
Application | Location | Proposal | Comments |
WNS/2023/0233/OUT | Land west of Mill Lane | Outline planning for 2 new build dwellings on site & retaining existing dwelling (all matters reserved) | |
Approved Applications | |||
WNS/2022/1933/FUL | 3 Hodges Lane | Removal of porch & outbuildings. New extension & alterations | |
WNS/2022/1894/FUL | 1 Hodges Lane | Change of use & conversion of barns for commercial use | |
WNS/2022/1212/FUL | 28 The Green | Conversion of barn to create new dwelling |
FINANCE: The Clerk (RFO), J. Hughes
Bank Balance Current Account £24,452.19
Deposit Account £1,513.76
Monies Received Village Hall / defibrillator grant £1,300.00 (banked)
Sale of Jubilee bags £182.50
NB: New bank mandate forms to be completed.
Audit Matters:
- Both NCALC & external auditors have been in contact with the office.
- Majority of the audits to be undertaken via internet.
- Clerk to close the 2022/2023 books at the end of March.
Grant Funding Allocations
- The Parish Church – £1,500.00 towards grass mowing
- The Kislingbury News – £1,500.00 towards printing costs
- Kislingbury Community Group – £1,500.00 towards infrastructure costs for the fund raising ‘Food & Drink Festival’ to take place on Monday May 29th
- KPFA – the Parish Council has offered to undertake the mowing the Children’s play area & the pocket park. First cut of the play area undertaken on 221/3/23.
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It was proposed, seconded & resolved to pay the following invoices:
Chq. No. | Payee | Information | Amount | VAT | Total |
1936 | HMRC | Clerk’s PAYE | 72.20 | 72.20 | |
1937 | Kislingbury Village Hall | Hire of room | 11.00 | 11.00 | |
1938 | Anglian Water | Allotment supply | 75.75 | 75.75 | |
1939 | Barbara Osborne | Payroll Services | 67.50 | 67.50 | |
1940 | Npower Commercial Gas | Electricity supply | 397.19 | 79.42 | 476.61 |
1941 | A. Addison (Clerk) | Salary & Expenses | 288.82 | 56.99 | 345.81 |
1942 | M. Harris | Community Pantry | |||
1943 | NetWise UK | New Website set up fees | 1139.00 | 227.80 | 1366.80 |
1944 | Allseasons | Dog waste bin & grass | 145.00 | 29.00 | 174.00 |
1945 | Zoe Kemp | Hedge Work | 240.00 | 240.00 | |
1946 | E. ON | Lighting maintenance | 250.22 | 50.04 | 300.26 |
1947 | E. ON | Millers Close new lantern | 1280.00 | 256.00 | 1536.00 |
1948 | Kislingbury village hall | Hire of room in March | 11.00 | 11.00 |
REPORTS From Parish Councillors
- Concern to note that a householder has taken over the grass verge as their front garden. Clerk to contact Highways.
- Residents troubled by early morning bird scarers disturbing sleep.
- Country Park – Clerk to contact the Park Ranger.
- Horses riding on the paths.
- Motorbike riding on the paths
- Park not very well maintained.
Cllr Ann Addison (Kislingbury lead), Cllr Karen Cooper, Cllr Adam Brown
- West Northants is to host the prestigious Women’s cycle Tour from the 7th to 11th June taking in parts of Daventry & South Northants areas.
- Residents are encouraged to ‘Have Your Say’ on the new boundary proposals. Views can be submitted by email at: reviews@
- Planning systems are due to be ‘migrated.’ Daventry & South Northants will merge into one area on the 3rd April 2023.
- Building Control Services are also changing. It will be back in house as from the 1st April 2023.
- There are consultations out on the following services: Smoking in public places, taxi licensing, and dogs.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at: 9.20 pm
Signed: Dated: