Please find the updated schedule for the road works below
What’s Happening?
What: West Northants Council, working with Kier Transportation will be undertaking carriageway
resurfacing, new road markings, and installation of anti-skid and traffic loops along the Eastbound
carriageway of the A4500 Weedon Road Northampton.
Where: The works will take place from the junction with Upton Valley Way to Sixfields interchange.
When: Surfacing & road markings – Monday 13th – Friday 17th January
Anti-skid – Monday 27th January – Friday 7th February.
Time: 20:00 – 06:00
Traffic Management: A road closure will be in place for the duration of the night works with an approved diversion route.
Residents: Access for residents to Weedon Close and The Hawthorns ONLY will be maintained. However please expect delays. For Weedon Close residents please access Weedon Road from St Crispin’s Drive. For the Hawthorns please access at the main closure point at Upton Valley Way junction. The site team will assist with access requirements. All other resident will have to
adhere to the diversion route.
Emergency Vehicles: We aim to maintain access for emergency vehicles when safe to do so.
Pedestrians and Cyclists: Cyclists will be asked to dismount the bicycle and walk on the footway. The footways will remain open to pedestrians. During the works there will be temporary closures to pedestrian crossings and pedestrians will be diverted down to the next available crossing point. Please ask a member of the site team for assistance.
Public Transport: Bus services will be notified of the works and will make alternative arrangements. Please contact your local bus provider for further information.
Phone: 01604 529700 (08:00 – 18:00 Monday –Friday)
Emergency Phone: (Out of hours) 01604 651074
Keeping you informed visit
View full notice with QR code for updates and map of diversion