MINUTES of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 16th January 2024, at 7.00 pm,
Cllr Dr J. Hughes, Chairman
Cllr J. Mallett. Vice-Chairman
Cllr S. Deane
Cllr S. Goodman
Cllr S. Parkerson
Cllr R. Harvey
Cllr A. Ayres
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and making the following announcement:
I would like to advise Councillors and members of the public that under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 20104 members of the public are permitted to photograph, film, broadcast and report on the meeting, subject to the efficient running of the meeting not being
APOLOGIES – Reasons for absence to be recorded: Cllr P. Billingham (Illness)
ATTENDING: 21 Parishioners
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: Both interest & nature of interest to be declare. None
- Parishioner concerned to note that current agenda & minutes were not on the website.
Cllr R. Harvey, lead members for the website responded stating they have now been put onto the site.
- Discussion on village flooding issues. Residents were given the opportunity to raise specific issues relating to the recent flooding.
- Key areas of flooding include the cul de sac off Bugbrooke Road (Kier did attend to pump out excess water. Query if the drain has collapsed), The Laurels corner (query if the drain pipework is blocked), The Old Granary (Complains made regarding excess water from the new Spitfire Homes development). Beech Lane (water not escaping into the river due to the 3 outlets not working), School Lane (Gully by the High Street is blocked), Church Lane (Manhole blockage & therefore floods), High Street Drains are blocked & overflowing)
- Concern that the river has not been dredged.
- Report from C. Payne, village flood Warden
- The Chairman thanked Mr Payne for his help during the floods.
- Mr Payne felt there should be a maintenance schedule of all village drains. The PC needs to know what is on the schedule and the timings.
- He has been in touch with all the relevant agencies.
- Important for the streets to be cleaned more often particularly after flooding in order to clear out the drains.
- Church Lane has health & safety issue during the floods.
- River water valves not working & river is blocked, Environment Agency should maintain.
- Fortunately, no homes were flooded this year, some garages were flooded.
- Query raised regarding obtaining sand bags – the Clerk to make enquiries.
- In summing up, the Chairman stated:
- The Prish Council would be working on a Flooding Action Plan
- Pressure will be put on the Environment Agency, Kier & West Northants Council to help prevent constant flooding throughout the village.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: These had been previously circulated, were proposed,
seconded and signed by the Chairman as a correct record with the following amendments:
- 250 finance figures to be corrected.
- CIL money to be recorded monthly separately from the working balance. To note, CIL monies cannot be spent on the PC day-to-day running costs.
PLANNING: – P. Billingham
Application | Location | Proposal | Comments |
2023/8014/ADV | Panatttoni Park, Weedon Road | 9 x single sided directional signs & 2 x totems at side entrances | PC comments
No objections |
2023/7959/FUL | Land North of Mill Road | 2 bedroom dwelling + attached 1 bedroom annex | Additional time granted by WNC.
PC has no objections. · Good design. · Would be Suitable for any resident with disabilities. · Not intrusive to neighbouring properties. |
Tree works in the conservation area | Bridge House, Riverside Court | Works to 2 oak trees | PC comments
No objections |
FINANCE: The Clerk (RFO), J. Hughes
Bank Balance Current Account (at 9/1/24) £49302.78
Deposit Account £1526.28
Monies Received
It was proposed, seconded & resolved to pay the following invoices:
Chq. No. | Payee | Information | Amount | VAT | Total |
2018 | HMRC | Clerk’s PAYE | 79.40 | 79.40 | |
2019 | E. ON | Lighting maintenance | 366.50 | 73.30 | 439.80 |
2020 | Npower & Comm. Gas | Lighting supply | 1023.19 | 204.59 | 1227.78 |
2021 | A. Addison (Clerk) | Salary & Expenses | 312.77 | 78.19 | 395.96 |
2022 | Sharon Jomes | Website work | 22.00 | 22.00 | |
2023 | Kislingbury village hall | Hire of room | 14.00 | 14.00 |
To Note:
- 2024/2025 precept request to WNC @ £66.000.00 proposed by P. Billingham, seconded by
- Hughes has been sent to WNC – acknowledgement received. The precept will be administered in 2 tranches, in April & September.
- Clerk’s expenses include stamps @ £25, share of ink & paper costs @ £53.19.
- Anglian water bill – credit note of £119.78.
- Clerk has been in touch with PKF Littlejohn regarding the external audit. Work should be completed by the end of January.
- Banking changes. PC to consider moving its accounts to Lloyds Bank & obtaining ‘online facilities’.
PARISH CLERK’S REPORT – to include correspondence & communications.
- Letter sent to J. Saynor regarding the 2024/2025 village hall grant request. Reply received:
- Understands that most groups who offer grant aid is for capital spend.
- Suggests the PC let all applicants know grants are for capital spend only.
- JS will discuss grant aid with the hall committee 7 consider applying for a grant for an industrial dishwasher to the hall kitchen.
- Letter received from D. Tidmarsh regarding flooding issues. Clerk has responded & asked for some contact information.
- Mallet has been in touch with the BUUA Infrastructure, land rights team requesting forms to be sent via email. BUUA have agreed.
- Email sent to WNC Alan Burns regarding the annual mowing grants scheme. The 2024 scheme to be run by Kier who will be sending out request forms during January & February.
- WNC highways contacted regarding barriers outside village school.
- Concern from Bugbrooke Road resident – rubbish is regularly being dumped on the Bugbrooke roadside under an out of order streetlight.
- Street Works Licence application received from Highways Regulations I order for VAS signs to be purchased & erected.
- Request made to WNC highways regarding a school warning sign to be erected by The Cromwell.
- WNC Highways asked for PC permission to erect reflective signs on the wide Cromwell verge due to parking issues & HGVs running over the grass.
Casual Vacancy – Notice designed for the 3 notice boards & forwarded to S. Deane.
Allotments – S. Parkerson
- Tenant’s 2024 rent requests to be completed by the Clerk & sent out in February.
Defibrillators – S. Parker – all working.
Grass Cutting – J. Mallett
Environmental Items including hedges & trees – Z. Kemp
Website – R. Harvey / J. Mallett – Noreport
- Clerk has received a phone call from S. Jones regarding updating the website and the November/December invoice – now received. Payment agreed.
Street Lighting – S. Goodman
- The Clerk has reported faults with the following lamps:
- PL56, Dovecote bend – out
- PL outside 20 Beech Lane – out
- PL outside 8 Bugbrooke Road, opposite Watts Close – out.
- PL outside 17 & 24 Watts Close, by the pond is out.
- PL49 Hall Close – quote received & accepted for renewal of lamp & concrete post.
- ON quotation to repair PL56, High Street @ £310.00 + VAT. Agreed
- ON quotation to repair PL60 Starmer’s Lane @ £310.00 + VAT. Agreed
Village Maintenance, seats, planters, litter picking – S. Deane
- Grit for PC bin in Willow View. Remaining stock with Allseasons was used in 2023.
Highways, roads & footpaths – J. Hughes
- Rothersthorpe Road chicane.
- There have been a number of accidents by this area. In particular, HGVs ending up in the ditch opposite the chicane due to oncoming speeding traffic not seeing the obstacle and the HGVs having to swerve out of the way in order to avoid a head on collision.
- To note: the Parish Council was not informed about the chicane prior to its installation.
- The chicane is small, poorly lit, and bad warning signage.
- Cllr Ann Addison has written to WNC highways & the WNC cabinet member for highway matters requesting the removal of the chicane & a site meeting.
School Liaison – J. Hughes – Nothing to report.
Kislingbury News – J. Hughes will write a PC report.
Bugbrooke Medical Centre PPG – S. Goodman
- Working to make more car parking spaces & additional disabled spaces.
- Bushes & trees to be cut back
- Patient’s ‘on-line’ system closed.
- PPG desk has been manned with volunteers to help with new systems.
Police Liaison – S. Parkerson
- Clerk has forwarded the following warning / information messages from the Police to all members.
- Use of electric scooters
- Theft from vehicles
- Action on fraud.
- Theft of catalytic converters.
KPFA Representative – J. Hughes
- PC to consider email received from Phil Beeston regarding a playing field ransom strip of land with included the Playground & car park areas.
- PB feels it would mean a different location for the play area.
- Report from J. Saynor:
- Discussion regarding the 3 months lease has taken place.
- Possible option to buy the freehold of the land.
- Further discussions to take place with the landowners.
- Will be changing his post on the hall committee from Chairman to HR person.
Village Hall Representative – J. Mallett – no report this month.
Neighbourhood Watch – D. Topliss – no report this month.
Flood & Snow Warden – C. Payne – discussion at Parishioners Voice
Footpath Warden – P. Beeston – no report this month.
REPORTS From Parish Councillors & Clerk including future agenda items.
- Having spoken to D. Moody of NCALC, the Clerk requests an update to her contract of employment and would like a PC member to take on the portfolio for HR facilities. (suggested by DM)
Cllr Ann Addison (Kislingbury lead), Cllr Karen Cooper, Cllr Adam Brown
- There will be a byelection in February 2024 the Northampton Borough seat of East Hunsbury & Shelfleys due to the resignation of Cllr S. Patel.
Item 11
- Pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1969 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and any press leave the meeting whilst consideration is being given to this item of a personal nature.
Item for February Agenda:
- Budget headings changes
- Bank Mandate
- Parish Councill policies review
- Flooding Maintenance Plan to include flooding road signs.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at: 9.12 pm
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: TUESDAY 20th February 2024, 7.00 pm
Signed: Dated: