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MINUTES of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday May 2023 in Kislingbury village hall.
COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr J. Hughes Cllr J. Mallett
Cllr S. Deane Cllr S. Parkerson
Cllr S. Goodman Cllr P. Billingham
Chairman: Cllr. Jonathan Hughes
Proposed by Cllr S. Deane
Seconded by Cllr S. Parkerson
- There was only one nomination and therefore Cllr. Hughes was unanimously elected as Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.
- The Chairman signed the Acceptance of Office paperwork.
Vice-Chairman: Cllr. Janet Mallett
Proposed by Cllr. Sue Deane
Seconded by Cllr S. Goodman
- There was only one nomination and therefore Cllr Mallett was unanimously elected as the Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.
- The Vice-Chairman signed the Acceptance of Office paperwork.
APOLOGIES: for absence & reason to be given.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: – Both interest & nature of interest to be declared –
These had been previously circulated, were proposed, seconded and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
PARISH CLERK’S REPORT – to include correspondence & communications.
Working Group Meeting – notice sent to all PC members to resolve issues surrounding a meeting with KPFA.
In attendance – J. Hughes, J. Mallet, S. Deane, M. Harris, A. Addison (Clerk to PC).
- Complaints received from M. Harris regarding the working group held with KPFA to resolve issues with the playing fields. Harris felt she should have been told the meeting was being held. The Chairman explained that as KPFA was his portfolio he needed to resolve some matters & report progress to the PC.
- Harris made two further complaints.
- Finance working Group – lack of meetings – matter resolved as Council now works on a portfolio basis with all finance matters reported to the Council.
- The Chairman’s manner. An exchange of email correspondence discussed.
- Harris was not satisfied with the result of the discussions and tendered her resignation from the Parish Council and left the meeting.
- After a discussion with members of the Parish Council it was agreed to accept her resignation.
- Notice of 3 PC vacancies to be put onto notice boards, face book page & the new website which goes ’live’ on Monday 15th
VAS Sign
- Clerk had meeting with Stee Barber, WNC Highways regarding the siting of the new VAS sign. After lengthy consideration it was agreed the best site for the new sign was at the edge of the Old Pond Site.
- A new pole was to be purchased.
- Mr Barber confirmed that a solar panel sign would work well at the chosen site and that many Parish Councils are using Elan City signs.
- A PC sign license was queried – S. Barber to check. Email received confirming the PC did not apply for a license when the first VAS signs were installed. A new license needed at a cost of £350.00.
- PC to choose the ‘face’ for the new sign.
Watts Close – concern regarding rubbish & grass cuttings being dumped into the ditch which separates Watts Close & the Spitfire development which could cause flooding during the rainy weather. Clerk has written to the 10 householders backing onto the ditch requesting they dispose of their cuttings in the green waste bin. S. Dean to deliver the letters.
Multi signpost – the signpost arms are constantly being moved around. Clerk to ask Highways to make the signs secure. Reply received – not a highway sign.
Cadent Green Box – The damaged box has now been moved to the back of the verge & replaced with a new slim version.
Village Charity Representative – consideration to begiven to appointing a member of the PC to the board of Trustees of the Kislingbury Town & Charity Estates.
PLANNING – Plans received &/or determined during the month may be discussed.
Application | Location | Proposal | Comments |
2023/159/FUL | Kisligbury Sunnies & Spooks, Rothersthorpe Road | Agricultural building, hard surfacing for car parking, hard surfacing for siting a marque | |
WNC/23/00010/WAS/FUL | Land North of Hill Farm, Gayton Road | Construction of an inert recycling facility with change of use from arable land to waste management use | |
2023/5029/OUT | 3 Hodges Lane | Outline development for 3 detached dwellings | Comments sent to WNC PC objections.
NB: Notification of tree works within the conservation area at land opposite 1 Hodges Lane. The arboricultural officer has visited the site. The Council (WNC) cannot refuse or apply conditions to the proposal as it merely constitutes a notification to carry out works to trees in a conservation area.
- Allotments – S. Parkerson
- Defibrillators – S. Parkerson
- Sun Inn site
- Village Hall site
- Grass Cutting – J. Mallett
- Street Lighting
- Out of order streetlights reported – PL73 Watts Close.
- Beech Lane lighting
- Hall Close replacement lamp
- Request for mitigating factors at lamp in Watts Close
- Village Maintenance – S. Dean
- Highways, Roads & Footpaths – J. Hughes
- School Liaison – J. Hughes
- Chairman will meet with Mr. Jordan.Icke, Head of school.
- Bugbrooke Medical Centre, PPG – S. Goodman
- Police Liaison – S. Parkerson
- KPFA – J. Hughes
- PC concerned regarding the outstanding items that need to be addressed such as the funding for the proposed new playground equipment, security and access.
- Report received from P. Beeston.
- Village Hall representative – J. Mallett
- New Hall Secretary – Mrs. Catherine Billingham
- Flood & Snow Warden – C. Payne
- Footpath Warden – P. Beeston – written report received & forwarded to all members.
- Neighbourhood Watch – D. Topliss
Bank Balances: Current Account £42,987.23
Deposit Account £1513.76
Monies Received: WNC mowing grant (2022) £676.85
1st half of the annual precept £30,500.00
It was proposed, seconded & resolved to pay the following invoices:
Chq. No. |
Payee |
Information |
Amount |
Total |
1962 | HMRC | Clerk’s PAYE | 79.40 | 79.40 | |
1963 | Kislingbury V..Hall | Hire of room x 2 | 22.00 | 22.00 | |
1964 | Allseasons | Pond site & mowing | 1290.00 | 258.00 | |
1965 | Npower | Lighting supply | 276.75 | 102.06 | 378.81 |
1966 | A. Addison (Clerk) | Salary & expensive | 317.77 | 67.62 | 385.39 |
Matters to agree & resolve:
- Responsible Financial Officer (Clerk) Financial Regulations
- Standing Orders Risk Management
- Discrimination Policy Complaints Procedure
- Review & scope of internal controls Review & update of all Policies.
Cllr A. Addison, Lead Member for Kislingbury, Cllr K. Cooper, Cllr A. Brown
COUNCILLORS REPORTS – Matters to be noted or action to be taken.
EXCLUSION OF PRESS & PUBLIC – Pursuant to section 1(2) of the public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960, it is resolved that, due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public & press leave the meeting during consideration of the following business:
- The Community Pantry
- Financial Donations
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at:
Signed: Chairman