MINUTES of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 19th March 2024, at 7.00 pm,
Cllr Dr J. Hughes, Chairman
Cllr J. Mallett. Vice-Chairman
Cllr S. Deane
Cllr S. Parkerson
Cllr A. Ayres
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and making the following announcement:
I would like to advise Councillors and members of the public that under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 members of the public are permitted to photograph, film, broadcast and report on the meeting, subject to the efficient running of the meeting not being
APOLOGIES – Reasons for absence to be recorded.
- Cllr Goodman – work commitments
- Cllr Ayres – personal reasons
ATTENDING: 1 resident, Cllr Adam Brown (WNC), Phil Beeston (Footpath Warden), Zoe Kemp (Tree Warden), Chris Payne (Flood Warden), Deni Topliss (Neighbourhood Watch and Speedwatch).
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: Both interest & nature of interest to be declared. Cllr Deane declared an interest in relation to a planning application relation to work to trees (2024/0296/TCA)
Neighbourhood Watch (D. Toplis)
- A new system has been introduced to add all participants in Kislingbury. Communication needs to be directed through the organiser to ensure members receive information.
ACTION D. Toplis to provide insert for village newsletter and ensure information relevant to Kislingbury is directed through her.
Speedwatch.Report provided by D. Toplis.
No recent activity.
ACTION. Once the SIDS and VAS signs are in place the Parish Council will engage with Speedwatch and the Police with a view to having a concerted effort in relation to speeding through the village..
Those involved will need to be retrained. Cllr Parkerson advised that the contact for retraining is the Road Policy Unit.
Footpaths. Report from P. Beeston.
Report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
The following points were discussed.
- Heavy rain damage to paths.
- Damage by cyclists to link to Upton Country Park from the road leading away from the bridge.
- Efficient response by “Fix my Street”team once photos sent to them
ACTION. P.Beeston will take additional photos of rain damage to Upton Country Park paths within Kislingbury to team for their action to repair.
Environmental. Report provided by Zoe Kemp.
Report previously circulated.
AGREEMENT Acceptance of quote for £2340 from Tom Wood to undertake Medium and low priority tree work as identified in tree survey.
Proposed – JH, Seconded – SD.
Flooding. Report provided by Chris Payne.
Report previously circulated.
- CP commented on the failure of Keir to respond to his communication.
- The division of responsibility between Keir and Environmental agency is another factor in neither party taking responsibility for action.
- Cllr Adam Brown had received an email from Keir which he read out to the meeting.
- Keir have begun to use CCTV to complete a survey of drainage system in the whole village enabling them to address problems as a whole system issue.
- There are already drainage plans but these can not show where there are blockages.
- Any identified blockages will then need to be dealt with.
- Flushing out of drains has also begun.
ACTION JH and Cllr AB to liaise regarding further communication to Keir urging action, site visit and resolution of demarcation between Keir/WNC and Environmental Agency responsibilities.
Further Consideration to be given to exploring how to restrict the volume and/or weight of vehicles using the Kislingbury bridge.The route used by Heygates lorries may require correspondence direct with the company.
- ZK, PB and CP then left the meeting.
The following planning applications were considered.nb They are significant crossovers between planning applications and flooding risk in village.
JH to contact Planning Case Officer Nathan Lowdnes prior to consideration of the Planning Application for Beech Lane/Camp Lane by the Planning Committee.
As 3 people can speak at the relevant Planning Committee it was agreed that these three would liaise beforehand to ensure all key points were included. Cllr Brown will be one of the three.
Current Planning Applications
Application | Location | Proposal | Comments |
2024/0165/FUL | 22 The Green | Single storey extension to detached garage | No Comment
2024/0676/FUL | 27 High Street | Replacement of 8 wooden windows facing High St. with aluminium frames | PC comments
2024/0348/MAF | Clarke’s Lodge Bugbrooke Road | Extension to building 3 & 4 for mixed use B8 & retention of car park (retrospective) | No Comment
2024/0335/FUL | The Old Manse 29 Mill Lane | Erect 2 storey side ext. to west gable, 2 storey rear ext. additional rooflights & landscaping | No Comment
2024/0569/FUL | Appletree Cottage 37 Church Lane | Part conversion of garage into habitable room | No Comment
2024/0296/TCA | 5 High Street | Works to trees – walnut and sycamore | No Comment |