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MINUTES of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 19th September 2023, at 7.00 pm,
Mrs J. Mallett. Vice-Chairman
Mrs S. Deane
Mr P. Billingham
Mrs S. Parkerson
Mr A. Ayres
Mr R. Harvey
Due to the absence of the Chairman. Mrs J. Mallett, the Vice-Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and making the following announcement:
I would like to advise Councillors and members of the public that under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 members of the public are permitted to photograph, film, broadcast and report on the meeting, subject to the efficient running of the meeting not being.
I would also like to remind the public that the Council has set aside a 15 minute slot at item 3 of the agenda for Parishioners to raise any points they may have. The remainder of the meeting is for the Members to conduct Council business.
The Chairman welcomed Mr Richard Harvey, the newly co opted Parish Councillor to the meeting. Richard will be looking after the Parish website.
APOLOGIES – Reasons for absence to be recorded.
- Hughes (personal), S. Goodman (work)
ATTENDING: Zoe Kemp, Tree Warden
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: Both interest & nature of interest to be declared. None
- With the agreement of members, the Chairman agreed to bring forward the Tree Warden’s report.
- Zoe has spoken to the WNC tree warden, Ralph Branson, who has suggested the Parish Council should have a professional tree survey done. There are a number of arboriculturists who have supported some of our local villages and there has been a tree survey carried out some time ago. Zoe will obtain 3 quotes for the work needed and present at our next meeting.
- An overhanging tree on private property needs cutting back. Zoe will send the Clerk the address. This tree is overhanging the belisha beacon at the primary school.
- top end of Beech Lane needs cutting back.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: These had been previously circulated, were proposed,
seconded and signed by the Chairman as a correct record with the following amendments:
- Ayres did attend the previous meeting.
- Deane’s name, incorrect spelling.
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PLANNING: – P. Billingham
- Billingham sent the monthly planning list to all members.
- Many applications are still pending.
- 3 Hodges Lane – PC has a number of concerns regarding this application where actions have been carried out prior to planning:
- The application lies in the conservation area and whilst permission had been granted for a number of trees to be felled, the PC had not received any notification regarding the felling of trees to the rear of the property.
- Concern regarding the dumping of soil on the site.
- Knotweed – query if this has been treated and removed properly.
- Clerk to make enquiries from WNC planning regarding the above and what actions have taken place by the planning department regarding the above.
- Concerns raised regarding the road works along the Rothersthorpe Road. Lack of information from Highways; a road calming measure seems to have been installed, a large entry further on from the Spitfire development, and pathway opposite the Spitfire development. The PC has not seen plans regarding this. Clerk to make enquiries.
- Request to be made for a 20mph speed limit along the High Street by the school. Clerk to contact H. Howard.
- Waste Recycling centre – some concern was expressed that we do not have updates regarding this kind of planning application. Clerk to write to them.
FINANCE: The Clerk (RFO), J. Hughes
Bank Balance Current Account £39,450.14
Deposit Account £1516.92
New bank mandate:
- On 6th August, 3 new proposed signatories took personal information paperwork into Barclays in Abington Street which bank staff forwarded on the Bank Mandate Team.
- At the time of this meeting, the forms had not been received by the mandate team. Urgent phone calls to the team have been made on a daily basis.See Sue Deane’s amendments.
- Request by member for monthly income and expenditure against budget figures to be included on a monthly basis.
- CIL spending discussed.
- Section 137 money discussed. The Clerk confirmed this comes out of the Precept and should benefit the entire village. it was agreed that this would be added to the precept documentation for 2024/2025 spend.
External Audit Report
- Queries have been raised regarding the 2021/2022 paperwork sent electronically to the auditors.
- Clerk to respond by 25th
PARISH CLERK’SREPORT – to include correspondence & communications.
- Request for grant aid received towards Christmas reindeer. PC Grant form forwarded.
- To note: part of Church Lane will be closed between 11-15th December to allow Anglia Water to complete a water connection.
- Complaint received from a parishioner regarding a silver van being parked on the Green. Clerk has written to the householder.
- Correspondence sent to TAB21 – request for works vans not to park on the Green as mowing contractor is unable to mow grass. Reply received – vans will park in Church Lane in future.
- Request for white lines markings at junction of Church Lane – WNC have made another site visit & stated there is no need.
- Dog waste bin collection. Clerk has written to the contractor as the service has become sketchy.
- Insurance renewal – PC to agree to accept. we didnot discuss this
- Repair/renewal of litter bins – Clerk has requested 3 replacements.
- Report received of tree down by the river. Tree Warden has made a site visit. The farmer is aware.
- Trees & ditches in Beech Lane – a site visit has been made.
- Hedgerow in School Lane – WC asked to cut back & clear.
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Casual Vacancy
- To note: all applicants will be required to send into the Parish office a resume of why they want to become a member of the present team and what they believe they can add to the work of the team.
Allotments – S. Parkerson
- Request for a new key for the mowing contractor to enable him to put the grass cuttings onto the grass bin.
Defibrillator – S. Parkerson
- New pads needed for The Sun Inn defibrillator. Clerk to send SP contact details for the First Responders who supply the PC pads.
Grass Cutting – J. Mallett
- All good.
- Grass in pocket park – farmer has shown interest in putting 30 sheep on site. If this goes ahead the area will be fenced off, a CHP notice for livestock will be required. Dog warning signs would also be needed.
Environmental Items including hedges & trees.
- Tree in private garden obscuring pelican crossing. Will forward address to the Clerk.
Website – J Mallett
- Confirmed that development would be prioritised. Clerk to confirm initially what must be available on the website. meeting to follow to outline priorities.
- Clerk to arrange a meeting with the new web editor. This wasn’t discussed
Street Lighting – S. Goodman. Beech Lane light still isn’t working. Concrete post in Hall Close to be changed.
Village Maintenance, seats, planters, litter picking – S. Deane
- Litter pick – 14th All to meet on the Church Green.
- 3 notice boards needed for the Red Lion, Nene Way & outside the shop in Church Lane.
- Dog bin has been repaired.
Highways, roads & footpaths
School Liaison – J. Hughes
Kislingbury News – J. Hughes
- Mallett to write the report.
Bugbrooke Medical Centre PPG – S. Goodman – no report this month
Police Liaison – S. Parkerson – nothing to report.
KPFA Representative – J. Hughes
- It is understood that KPFA has applied for a number of grants for playground equipment.
Village Hall Representative – J. Mallett Nothing to report.
Neighbourhood Watch – D. Topliss – no report received.
Flood & Snow Warden – C. Payne – no report this month.
Footpath Warden – P. Beeston – No report this month
REPORTS From Parish Councillors
- It was suggested & agreed to hold a PC meal this Christmas. Deane to speak to the Sun Inn.
Cllr Ann Addison (Kislingbury lead), Cllr Karen Cooper, Cllr Adam Brown
- WNC are preparing for the 2024/2025 budget with a close look at present expenditure.
- Work being considered in Northampton to include demolishing the old M & S building, the BHS building in Abington Street & the old job centre in Wood Street. Concerns raised regarding asbestos.
- Cabinet to focus on critical items such as demands on vulnerable adults & children’s services.
- Consultations are now out for comment on:
- Emergencies – how prepared are you?
- Public spaces protection orders.
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There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at: 9.22 pm
Signed: Dated: